Procedure, form and evaluation

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Preliminary notes

We noticed that the following points, which we address in every initial discussion, sometimes lead to ambiguities in the past. Therefore we want to explicitly state:


If you want to write a thesis with us at seclab, you can either work on one of our topics or your own topic. If you don’t have a topic yourself, then think about what exactly interests you in advance and have some initial thesis ideas. Requests without a concrete topic or ideas will be handled with lower priority.


You should use LaTeX, Pandoc, or Markdown to create your thesis. However, we recommend Microsoft Word if you have no experience with LaTeX, Pandoc, or Markdown. In addition, you should study the topic of technical writing before writing your thesis. We can recommend the book “Technisches Schreiben: (nicht nur) für Informatiker”.

We recommend our LaTeX template for the creation of your thesis.

Your bachelor thesis should measure between 40 and 60 pages, a master thesis between 50 and 80 pages.

You can write your thesis in German or in English.


Your thesis will be evaluated as follows: